Seasonal Changes - Invitation to Times and Spaces for Conversation

In this space last week, I wrote of the arrival of Summer and the kinds of opportunities the season provides.

Today, I want to extend to you an invitation to join me and Pastor Nancy for some conversations around worship practices, here at St James, and more broadly within the whole Church.

As you will have noted recently there have been a few changes in our worship services. However, none of them are permanent. Each change has been for a season.

During the Easter season we focused on listening to the words of Jesus spoken to his disciples, including us, as Jesus set the table and invited them to eat, drink, remember.

For the Summer season we will be moving to communion served on only 1st & 3rd Sundays at both worship services.

Occasional pauses in what are our “traditional” worship practices are vital for a healthy community worship life.

Pausing to consider the “why” of what we do. Pausing to look around us, to hear from each other, and to learn more broadly of additional resources that may enrich our worship in music, liturgy, and prayer, keeps our life together lively and engaging.

For this reason, Pastor Nancy and I cordially invite all who are interested to join us for conversation around worship practices on the following days and times.

In each case, you can expect the conversation to be no more than an hour.

Two Tuesdays: July 11 & 18 at 10:00 a.m. in the Library at the church.

Wednesday, July 12, 6:30pm, church Library

Sunday, July 16, 10:15 a.m.
*This Sunday we will have a mid-summer celebration.
There will be one worship service at 9:00 a.m. including a celebration of Vacation Bible School.
There will be special treats for fellowship time after the service.
An opportunity for conversation around worship practices at 10:15a.m.

We will also invite our members at Augustana Regent and Savage Senior Living to join this conversation on July 25 and July 26, respectively.

I look forward to our Summer conversations together.

Pastor Lamont